Monday, February 24, 2014

Seasoning Salt

I was getting tired pulling out 3 or 4 bottles of seasonings every time I wanted to use multiple spices.  I also noticed that I used the same 4 spices all the time, so I thought, why not just mix them up in a shakable container so I will only need to have one?  So, I did.  I came up with my own seasoning salt that I love to put on fries and on fish.

Seasoning Salt
1 cup salt
1 cup garlic
1/3 cup onion powder
1/3 cup paprika

  1. Mix all ingredients together. 
  2. Store in a shakable container.
I add a few grains of rice to the mixture to soak up the moister to keep it from clumping.  If it does clump, just bang it on the counter once or twice and it will break up.


How much does it cost?

1 cup salt = $.37
1 cup garlic = $1.55
1/3 cup onion powder = $.32
1/3 cup paprika = $.23

So, one recipe of seasoning salt cost $2.47.
One Tablespoon = $.06.

I will have to look to see how much seasoning salt costs at the store to make the comparison.

Recipes that use seasoning salt

Fried Flounder

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